Month: July 2020

Computer Solutions in Coquitlam & Port Moody

What Is Social Engineering? (Insights/Information)

Social Engineering: A Threat to Your Cybersecurity Social engineering is the use of psychological manipulation to gather confidential information. Criminals are always looking to exploit you for valuable data: personal logins, bank accounts, and even remote access to your computer. Whenever you log on, they could be trying to steal your information through malware-filled links or…
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What Is The Modern Workplace?

The Secret Workplace Every Single Employee Dreams About Whenever They Clock In Employee retention is always a challenge. Because it takes so long to find, recruit, and train your best employees, it’s very important to focus on how you can keep them. And the best way to improve employee retention is to understand what employees…
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Is Your Organization Prepared for Top 2020 Cybersecurity Threats?

Top 2020 Cybersecurity Threats Managed IT cybersecurity professionals have been challenged to the hilt through the first half of 2020. Phishing attacks increased by upwards of 600 percent during the height of the pandemic as industry leaders made haste to move to the Cloud or increase their remote workforce infrastructure. Industry leaders have been so…
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Reset Your Computer System Today Using Windows 10

Do you need to reset your computer system? Resetting is different from simply refreshing or restoring a computer system. Resetting means reinstalling Windows but during the process, you delete your personal settings, apps (unless the apps originated with the computer), and files (unless you choose to keep them). Refreshing and restoring your computer doesn’t require…
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Reasons for Choosing Microsoft Teams as an Alternative to Zoom

Microsoft Teams as an Alternative to Zoom COVID- 19 induced lockdowns and social distancing measures helped spur Zoom’s growth. The video conferencing app managed to attract 300 million users by April 2020 compared to 10 million in December. Its rise to prominence left rivals like Facebook, Microsoft, Cisco, and Google scrambling for innovative ways to…
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