Month: July 2018

Computer Solutions in Coquitlam & Port Moody

Have You Heard Of Microsoft Whiteboard?

Create and Collaborate With The All-New and Completely Radical Microsoft Whiteboard What do most companies have in common these days? The need to collaborate on a multitude of projects. Enter the old-fashioned whiteboard. This key piece of “equipment” is where a group might gather around while someone draws or makes bulleted lists. They write down…
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Save Valuable Laptop Battery Life (Tips/Tricks)

How Can You Keep Your Laptop Running Longer? Getting work done in the airport or other remote location where you can’t find a spare plug to recharge your “dying” laptop can be tricky. Battery power only lasts so long on any device, and once it’s used up, you’re stuck hunting down a spare outlet (along…
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Which Email Marketing Solution Is The Best? (Online Training)

Considering Working With An Email Marketing Solution To Help Grow Your Business? Email marketing plays a critical role in helping you to reach the right people and expand your client base, share important information with prospects and clients, and promote your services and products. Tune into our complimentary on-demand training and learn what email marketing solution…
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How to Connect an iPhone to an Amazon Echo Device and Play Music on Alexa

If you are a fan of smart devices, then you may already have an Echo device – Amazon’s line of smart speakers that connect to other devices using Amazon’s voice-controlled personal assistant Alexa. These Alexa-powered speakers from Amazon hit the market first before the likes of Google, Lenovo, and Apple followed suit with their own…
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Windows 7 End of Life

Windows 7 End Of Life: What You Need To Know

Are You Prepared for Windows 7 End of Life? Windows 7 has been one of the most successful operating systems developed by Microsoft. Its resilience has been boosted by many conspiracies and controversies surrounding Windows 8. In fact, millions of organizations skipped the Windows 8 upgrade and stuck with Window 7. Many businesses are still…
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Microsoft Office Lens (How-To Article)

What is Microsoft Office Lens? Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to send someone a handwritten piece of paper or an illustration on a whiteboard? Microsoft has developed an app called Office Lens that works like a portable scanner, taking pictures of hard copy documents and then converting them to…
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Happy Canada Day

Happy Canada Day

Happy Canada Day! We’ll Be Celebrating – But Our Help Desk Will Still Be Here For You And Your Staff On July 1st, we as Canadians, honour the formation of the union we call home. Whether enjoying the holiday at a cottage; watching a fireworks celebration in the city; working hard in the office or…
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